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PJ Officiates at Swearing-In Ceremony of Members of PPDA Tribunal
Members of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Appeals Tribunal with Hon. Justice Dr. Zeija (Principal Judge) - 3rd from the Left

The Principal Judge, Dr Flavian Zeija, on Thursday January 13, 2022, presided over the swearing-in ceremony of two members of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Appeals Tribunal (PPDA) at the Judiciary headquarters in Kampala. 

The two members sworn were Ms Patricia K. Asiimwe and Ms Charity Kyarisiima who will now join four other members.

Shortly after presiding over their swearing-in ceremony, the Principal Judge urged the duo to uphold the oath their oaths. "I implore you to be true to your oath. Serve faithfully and with humility. Always have your end goal in mind," he said. Adding, "Not only for the holistic enrichment, effectiveness and efficiency of the PPDA but also to uphold Uganda’s national strategy for sustainable development and improved service delivery."

The Tribunal's core function is to hear applications for review of decisions of the PPDA made to it by aggrieved bidders or aggrieved procuring and disposing entities. 

The PJ stressed that as adjudicators, members of the Tribunal ought to uphold the principles of Independence, Impartiality, Integrity, Propriety, Equality, Competence and Diligence. These, he said are the bedrock of administration of justice. 

The Chairperson of the PPDA Tribunal, Mr Francis Gimara, noted that the two newly appointed lady members will help bring in a sense of gender balance as they join the other four members (only men) who took oath in July 2020. 

With additional numbers, Mr Gimara foresees improved performance of the Tribunal. "I must inform you that we have presided over disputes of more than Shs350 billion with four members. Now with the additional members, I know we will go a long way in raising the levels of excellence," he said. 

Speaking on behalf of the Chief Registrar, HW Amos Kwizera, the Registrar, Planning and Development, appreciated the Tribunal for the success so far registered since its establishment.

He further noted that the work of such tribunals, help in reducing the workload of the Judiciary since this mandate would primarily be for the courts.  

HW Kwizera was the Tribunal’s first Registrar (2016-2019).

The swearing-in was moderated by the Judiciary Public Relations Officer, HW Jamson Karemani, and witnessed by the members of the PPDA Tribunal including Mr Atiku Saki Mansor, the Registrar.

Posted 13th, January 2022
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